Thursday, July 19, 2012

2# More Introductions!

I am a runner in the Federal Territory Island of Labuan. The place where it once was part of Sabah, The North of Borneo Island. This is also the place where business and pleasure meet. Well enough about Labuan. Lets focus on the second entry of my blog.

So far, it has not been what I had expected, where I failed to commit on posting on this blog on daily or weekly basis. However I will keep posting blog entries as much as I can and make sure this blog does not die. I might also add some pictures like I use to do in my previous blogs.

I am looking forward to watch the Amazing Spider Man and The Dark Knight Rises movie this month. I might skip my "Long Run" training in the process if I choose to watch those film next week.

So far I have done 4 Marathons, all done locally and none of them below 2:15 time. My personal best was in my third marathon which was 4 hours. Which I think is slow despite there are runners that finish their runs in 5 or 6 hours. 

The problem that inhibits me from running fast is the lack of dedication (on their diet) and training, so far, I have never done any real speed training let alone tempo runs, (running fast at threshold pace over a specified distance, usually well beyond 8km to 21km). I also don't wear a wrist watch let alone a Garmin Heart Monitor (pacer). 

My diet is based on home cooked meals, where I just eat whatever that is prepared on the table. Its a luxury actually, where all you have to do is eat and you don't have to spend anything for it. Its free!

I try to run everyday in a week and I also take some days off for my legs to recover, as my legs usually took a lot of beating from running on tarmac. I will post my stories of my 2 recent marathons on this blog, the Borneo International Marathon, and Standard Chartered KL Marathon.

Happy Running.

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